Daniel Álvarez and his Family
Our goal is to plant the 5th church in the north east part of the city of Queretaro.
We have started the process with Daniel and Fany to become our next church planters. This would mean they would have to move from their home city to Queretaro. They finished our training and are serving in one of our churches as a family.
Once we have secure funding for this church, Daniel and his family will be moving to the north eastern area of the city, find a house to rent and start small groups and outreach events. They will be recruiting a team during that period as well. As they reach their neighbors and new friends they will start gathering at the end of 2025.
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Pastor Luis and Family
Pastor Luis was part of our 10 month church planting training and at the end of it he asked us to help him and his team in their outreach and growth efforts.
Their goal is to grow and multiply by planting more churches and being a blessing to his leaders and reach the people of Mexico City.
Pastor René and his Family
Pastor Rene was part of our 10 month church planting training and at the end of it he asked us to help him and his team in their outreach and growth efforts.
Their goal is to grow and reach the people of Puebla, Mexico.
Pastor Enrique and Family
Pastor Enrique was part of our 10 month church planting training and at the end of it he asked us to help him and his team in their outreach and growth efforts.
Their goal is to grow and multiply by planting more churches and being a blessing for his community and the people of Pachuca, Mexico.
Receive email updates to learn more how you can be praying for the ministry, the team, the church planters and how you can participate in reaching the lost.
for the new church planters that are being raised up for kingdom work in Latin America.
Our ministry depends on partnership with churches and individuals in the United States and around the world. We regularly send prayer updates to our committed prayer partners.
Receive email updates to learn more about how you can be praying for our team, our church planters and the people that are being reached.
to a new church plant financially.
Every dollar counts in the effort to reach the people of Latin America for Christ.
Please consider partnering with us to be an important part of reaching the people of Latin America for Christ by planting MULTIPLYING churches.
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along side us on the field.
By doing an internship, organizing a work group from your church, providing your professional skills or even by moving to Mexico or any other Latin American country you can serve and be one of our missionaries.
You can use your gifts and talents in a mission's work group, an internship or through training our church painters virtually.
Alcance (identificando a tu Oikos)
Discipulado - Cima a la Victoria
Conocimiento Bíblico - Panorama 360 - PRÓXIMAMENTE
Plantación de Iglesias - Programa M5
Finanzas y gestión de recursos - Mayordomía Extrema
Acceso a nuestras Masterclasses
Acceso a la capacitación de Consejería Bíblica Aplicada
Acceso a una comunidad de pastores, plantadores y líderes de iglesias
Nuestras membresías son mensuales o anuales, te dan acceso a nuestros programas de capacitación y lo mejor es que tu aportación contribuye a la plantación de nuevas iglesias.
Help support a church planting project with
a monthly or one time donation.
When you click the button you will be taken to our New International donation page. IMPACTOLatino is a ministry of New International
Make checks payable to New International.
Write IMPACTOLatino on the memo line of your check.
Send to: New International
2701 Cleveland Ave, Suite 200
Fort Myers, FL 33901
© 2024 IMPACTOLatino is a ministry of New International